Reaction Audio Visual has been working with the eSporting industry for years. This industry continues to provide our company with the most fulfilling and remarkable events to our resume. We provide leading event technology and production services for eSporting competitions, tournaments and other industry related events. These include Extreme Masters, Dreamhack, TNT’s eLeague and more. Reaction Audio Visual stands out from other AV providers because we understand the atmosphere and environment that needs to be created. We recognize that having up to the minute, high-end technology is a critical part of eSports.
We always make sure to align that same level of impressive technology by providing only the latest gear at each event. In addition, Reaction Audio Visual provides a knowledgeable team of production specialists to help personalize your event every step of the way. If something needs to be changed last minute we will be sure to take care of it without any hesitation.
Regardless of what you are trying to create for your audience, Reaction Audio Visual has the tools to make your event something that is one of a kind, memorable and sure to stand out from the competition.